กลุ่มงานวิจัย: Enhancing Manufacturing Competitiveness for One Tambon One Product Producers Through Value Chain: Case Studies in Chachoengsao


Enhancing Manufacturing Competitiveness for One Tambon One Product Producers Through Value Chain: Case Studies in Chachoengsao

Chatchalee Ruktanonchai, Jakaphan Pinthong, Chatchawarn Mongkol, Sumet Padungsab, and Nattapat Kanchanaruengrong
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The objectives of this research were to study and enhance manufacturing
competitiveness of One Tambon One Product (OTOP) producers, through value chain
perspectives. Although OTOP scheme has been supported by the government and many
organizations in recent years, most supports were for market opportunities. This
research aimed to explore any manufacturing competitiveness OTOP producers might
have, and seek to enhance it through value chain perspective. The population of this
research were six local OTOP producers based in Chachoengsao; including the shipmodel
handicraft in Tambon Tha-Kam, the Thai musical instrument maker in Tambon
Hom-Sil, the artificial-flower handicraft in Tambon Bang-ka-nark, the herbal-slipper
producer in Tambon Namdang, the wooden-and-horn accessories producer in Tambon
Nakorn-nueng-khet, and the woven-basket producer in Tambon Lam-pradoo. The
methods used in this research were interviews, observation, and participation.
The early results indicated that although these OTOP producers were skilled in
their crafts, their other manufacturing practices were still some distance away from
international standards. This was most evident in their manufacturing processes, the
way most products lacked of standard commercial packaging, and their distribution
channels. The researchers sought to enhance these via value chain perspective. In this
regard, the manufacturing procedures had been studied and documented as operations
standards. Not only these acted as a guideline for assuring product quality, they also
helped each producer transfer their skills and knowledge to their operators more
effectively. Packaging for each type of products was also designed and implemented.
In addition, after business environment of each producer was analyzed, a business plan
was then developed based on value chain concept, stressing the values added into
products via designs, manufacturing processes, packaging, etc.